"If I had the power,"in writing each prospective person must go over the rules before becoming a JW, a contract. In the contract they must state what will happen if you leave, blood, the world is evil,past predictions, rules for chid abuse and child sex predators. If a person is made aware of the evil of this organization and they still become a JW, then more power to them...Let the person know, we are not a 100% cult, maybe around 75%.....
James Mixon
JoinedPosts by James Mixon
If you had the power ....
by Landy in...would you choose to ban the jw religion?.
if you wouldn't ban them what, if any, changes would you force upon them?.
How do you shut your mind down so you can get a good night sleep???
by jam inthe more i learn about jw's the harder it is.
to sleep at night.
the wife hit the pillow and within 5 min.. she is snoring.
James Mixon
According to Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson of Mindlab international which conducted this research, music produce a greater state of relaxation and this music "weightless" the top song. The music "weightless resulted in a striking 65 percent reduction in in participants overall anxiety, and 35 percent reduction in their usual physiological resting rates. Equally remarkable is the fact the music was actually constructed to do so. The group that created "weightless" Marconi Union did so in collaboration with sound therapists. It carefully arranged hormones, rhythm, and bass lines help slow a listener's heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.Saw this in the news today. On youtube "Weightless" 15 million hits.
What has been your own personal experience of shunning?
by UnshackleTheChains ini am interested in finding out on a small scale the extent of which shunning has impacted on you personally.. my own experience is that when i faded about 12 years ago.
the woman whose house the book study was held at (and who was virtually a neighbour) walked right past me in my own street.
i remember it so well.
James Mixon
My J.W brother walked my first born J.W daughter (bride) down the aisle.The marriage didn't work out, they divorced 17 years later.......The shunning divided my family, 30 years of shunning has destroyed our family (none JW family members and JW family members)....
Why the need for 144000 imperfect humans to Rule with Christ Jesus for 1000 years ? Is he incapable of ruling by himself ?
by smiddy indoes this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
James Mixon
1 Corinthians 6:3 "Do you not know that we shall judge angels? That's why Satan and his followers are pissed off,that sucks... How in the hell can the 144000 judge the angeles????
Why the need for 144000 imperfect humans to Rule with Christ Jesus for 1000 years ? Is he incapable of ruling by himself ?
by smiddy indoes this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
James Mixon
No such thing as co-rulers, but one will sit on the right and one on his left. Jesus says that he who dies to himself and is a servant to all shall be the one to sit at his left and right.
What have been some of the funniest local needs talks that you have heard?
by DaPriest ini remember once in berlin south germany there was a local needs part for the men only, and how they should use the toilet.
in all seriousness for ten minutes a retarded nigerian was going on about how men need to sit down when using the toilet.
no mention of anything else.. it transpired that some little kraut boy from an "interested" family would aim for the side of the toilet and leave a great big puddle for others to clean up.
James Mixon
I posted this a couple of times but I was thinking why the brother (elderly brother late 70's-80's) didn't say , do not lie with a woman when she is unclean". The brother said "do not lie with a women when she is masturbating, he meant to say menstruating. Today I guess if he had said unclean, some my wonder did she need a bath or something. But when he said that and I was new I thought WTH, you could have heard a hair drop...
What have been some of the funniest local needs talks that you have heard?
by DaPriest ini remember once in berlin south germany there was a local needs part for the men only, and how they should use the toilet.
in all seriousness for ten minutes a retarded nigerian was going on about how men need to sit down when using the toilet.
no mention of anything else.. it transpired that some little kraut boy from an "interested" family would aim for the side of the toilet and leave a great big puddle for others to clean up.
James Mixon
Thanks berrygerry: I Thought it was Canada. This is why I love this place, no BS here you better have your facts correct. When the new ones come here and read our comments they can't say it's all lies. Sometimes I think did I make this sh--t up, thanks to you berry it prove some crazy stuff come out of the mouth of the glorious ones..LOL
Why do you get upset about family shunning you?
by mr_doubtful ini understand people love their family but i also don't understand why you end up caring in the end.
i'm ready to leave and i 100% don't expecting my family to have any contact with me nor do i want them to contact me.
if they are going to chose a man made religion over me, that's their choice and i will sleep easy at night.
James Mixon
I don't give a crap about ex-JW friends shunning me, but when your children or you mom and dad shun you it hurts...I can deal with brother, sister, nephews and nieces no problem, but your child it's a different story......
Does the Jehovah's Witnesses religoius cult create people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder ?
by Finkelstein inthe american psychiatry association lists nine symptoms – if someone ticks five of these, they could have narcissistic personality disorder.
the nine points of narcissism.
has a grandiose sense of self-importance.. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.. believes that he or she is ‘special’ and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people.. requires excessive admiration.. has a sense of entitlement.. is inter-personally exploitative (takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends).. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.. .
James Mixon
I agree with "never a jw", especially the GB they are never never wrong. If that is not a Narcissistic Personality I will eat your hat.
What have been some of the funniest local needs talks that you have heard?
by DaPriest ini remember once in berlin south germany there was a local needs part for the men only, and how they should use the toilet.
in all seriousness for ten minutes a retarded nigerian was going on about how men need to sit down when using the toilet.
no mention of anything else.. it transpired that some little kraut boy from an "interested" family would aim for the side of the toilet and leave a great big puddle for others to clean up.
James Mixon
In a predominate black congregation, brothers should think about shaving their mustaches and this is why, (before the big one came in 1975). Brother when 1975 arrive and the big one comes, the Angeles may not be able to distinguish you from those that will be set on fire..I was new and I didn't shave my mustache, but 95% of the brother followed the advice. By the time 1976 rolled around, 95% of brothers sported mustaches... Just think about it, if the Angeles can't figure out who are to be saved because of a mustaches they are some dumb creatures.